Profile - Svetlin Sofroniev

Artist Profile

Svetlin Sofroniev


Untitled, WC, © Svetlin Sofroniev
Watercolor     ©Svetlin Sofroniev

" . . . doors inherently hold significant symbolism.

They serve as a bridge between the artist and the viewer,

representing obstacles, borders, but also the inception

of a journey, self-discovery...

All of this compels the viewer to approach

the artwork, to empathize, and to actively

engage in the unfolding narrative."

               - Svetlin Sofroniev

   Bulargian artist, Svetlin Sofroniev, invites the viewer into his beautifully painted watercolors through doorways, landscapes, waterscapes and cityscapes—each executed with detail and yet never losing the spontaneity that gives watercolor its unique character. He studied at the University of Veliko Tarnovo “St. Kiril and Methodii”, earning an MA in Pegagogy of Arts and went on the do post-graduate work at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. His work has been juried into international exhibitions claiming multiple top awards. He is a signature member of the National Watercolor Society and the Laguna Plein Air Painters Association. Sofroniev told us about his passion for waterolor and included a step-by-step example of his work.

   "My first teacher was a watercolor master, and that was the beginning of my journey with this medium. The most important lesson I’ve learned is not to be afraid of the water—after all, watercolor is a water-based medium. I learned to work with a lot of pigment and water, embracing the fluidity and spontaneity that make watercolor so unique. Yes, I work with other mediums as well, but I always strive to capture a watercolor-like impression and feeling in them, too.

Rusty and the Gang, Watercolor, © Svetlin Sofroniev
Rusty and the Gang     Watercolor     © Svetlin Sofroniev

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Svetlin Sofroniev

All artwork copyright Svetlin Sofroniev

Copyright Hulsey Trusty Designs, L.L.C. (except where noted). All rights reserved.
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A Primer on Night Painting - Nocturnes

Nocturnes - A Primer on Night Painting

Filled with inspirational examples by the masters of nightime painting, this little book is sure to fire up your creative energies. Never tried painting at night? We show you how it's done with a step-by-step-oil demo and a tale of night painting in the wilds of Rocky Mountain National Park. The Primer on Night Painting - Nocturnes is a 7 x 7" PDF download with 40 pages of text and images. It includes a gallery of paintings by masters of the nocturne, information to inspire and encourage you in your plein air nocturne painting, an illustrated step-by-step demo and tips for working in pastel and oil. Also available in a softcover edition. Check out the tools and other products that we use in our own art and travels in The Artist's Road Store. We only offer things for sale that we enthusiastically believe in.







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Photograph of John Hulsey and Ann Trusty in Glacier National Park
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