Oil Painting Materials List for Workshops
  ![]() Oil Painting Workshop Materials and Supplies You will need a sturdy portable Easel that you can take on a long walk. A backpack- sized French easel or one of the many pochade-type boxes with tripod made for this purpose will work. Open Box M, the Sienna model by Dick Blick.com, Guerilla Painter or EasyL will do, sized for 8 x 10" or 9" x 12", and your Backpack. See our article, The Ultimate Backpack for the best tips. OR, use this link for the EasyL Lite, which includes the tripod and one of the best lightweight pochades made: http://www.artworkessentials.com/products/EASyL-Lite/index.htm
You won't need a lot of accessories except for the Rock Bag and Umbrella. Some of the pochade makers also sell a backpack to fit their products, or you can search Eagle Creek, Osprey or one of the other top outdoor gear manufacturers for one that will work. Hands-free and comfortable is the mission here, as we will be doing some walking. Painting Umbrella - absolutely necessary in bright outdoor light. Again, there are many makes and prices. I have tried most of them and now use the EasyL . It has it all and is very sturdy, nearly unbreakable. BestBrella is comparable to the EasyL, but more expensive. If you are thinking occassional use only, then get the one from Dick Blick. 5-10 Canvas Panels, either 8 x 10” or 9 x 12” maximum. Medium texture - not portrait. RayMar lightweight Wet Panel Carrier, 8 x 10" or 9" x 12" size, or Utrecht "Artmate" lightweight wet panel carrier, very inexpensive. Brushes and Palette Knives An assortment of bristle brushes (not sable): Flats in 1/4”, 1/2”, 3/4”, don’t go by the number on the handle - they vary by manufacturer. If you can afford them, buy a set of filberts in the same sizes. Round pointed synthetic sable brushes #8 or #10. Palette knives - 1 standard, 1 thin bladed Paints, Medium and Thinner I often use Gamblin oil paints, as well as Rembrandt, Vasari, Holbien, Sennelier and others. Gamblin represents the best quality at an affordable price. Minimum color palette: Cadmium Yellow Light, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Red Light, Alizarine Red, Quinacridone Rose, Cobalt Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Transparent Earth Brown (Rembrandt), Ivory Black, Titanium White, Viridian Green. If you wish, you can also add: Cadmium Orange, Transparent Earth Red, Sap Green Paint Medium: Galkyd (Gamblin, fast-drying), small bottle. Small, (approx.1/2 pint) Squeeze Bottle for Galkyd medium. Odorless paint thinner, at least 1 gallon - Gamsol or Masterpiece Portable brush washer with water-tight latching lid: get the 10 oz. size, Holbien, Easy L, etc. Empty 1 gallon container for used thinner and funnel. Miscellaneous Other Materials Paper towels/wet wipes Sketch book, any portable size Pencils- B, 4B Eraser - white Other Useful Tools ViewCatcher View Finder - extremely valuable - can buy one from us, click here. GoJo or similar hand cleaner from auto parts supply. This is excellent for cleaning brushes and hands - has lanolin to keep brushes flexible. Smallest container. Also, remember to wear a neutral-colored shirt or pullover when painting outdoors! Reflected light from your shirt can make it impossible to see your work accurately. |
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