C. M. Russell - The Cowboy Artist
Charles Marion Russell - David Mihalic, former Superintendent of both Glacier and Yosemite National Parks and an artist himself, said of Glacier, “It’s a magical landscape that causes creative juices to flow.”* This creativity can be seen through the centuries in the arts and crafts of the Blackfeet Indians, who named this place Mistakis, the Backbone of the World to the paintings of contemporary Artists-in-Residence, chosen by the National Park Service. But perhaps the name most known as the painter of Glacier is Charles M. Russell. Born in St. Louis, Missouri in 1864, Charles Marion Russell had moved to Montana by the age of sixteen to work on a sheep ranch. It is said that while he was working there during the severe winter of 1886-87, Russell did a small watercolor painting of a steer being watched by wolves. The ranch foreman sent the sketch to the ranch owner in response to his query about how the herd had fared that winter. The owner showed the painting to friends and it was displayed in a store window in Helena, thus beginning his notoriety as The Word Painter. The painting was titled Waiting for a Chinook.
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Member ContentFree ContentThe Artist's Road StoreNocturnes - A Primer on Night Painting Filled with inspirational examples by the masters of nightime painting, this little book is sure to fire up your creative energies. Never tried painting at night? We show you how it's done with a step-by-step-oil demo and a tale of night painting in the wilds of Rocky Mountain National Park. The Primer on Night Painting - Nocturnes is a 7 x 7" PDF download with 40 pages of text and images. It includes a gallery of paintings by masters of the nocturne, information to inspire and encourage you in your plein air nocturne painting, an illustrated step-by-step demo and tips for working in pastel and oil. Also available in a softcover edition. Check out the tools and other products that we use in our own art and travels in The Artist's Road Store. We only offer things for sale that we enthusiastically believe in.
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