Sleep! - Perspectives from The Artist's Road


Perspectives from The Artist's Road

Sleeping Woman, 1928, Pierre Bonnard
Sleeping Woman     1928     Pierre Bonnard

   It appeared to friends visiting us, that we had an inordinate number of paintings of sleeping figures, more specifically paintings done by John of Ann sleeping. It is true, and upon considering, we thought perhaps this had to do with sleep being a subject of frustration. Perhaps the sleeping portraits seem to remind us of the peaceful moments that can sometimes be so difficult to find!

   To that end, we have collected a few favorite sleepers painted by the Masters. They may be inspiration for others who struggle to nod off. Of course, there are also creative uses for time spent awake at night. Visit Creative Insomnia for more on the subject, along with an updated list of the remaining full moons of 2024 for Nocturne painters.

Sleep, ca. 1771, Jean Bernard Restout
Sleep     ca. 1771     Jean Bernard Restout
(after Morpheus, the God of Sleep)

Violet Sleeping, 1908, John Singer Sargent
Violet Sleeping     1908     John Singer Sargent

The Siesta - after Millet, 1889-90, Vincent van Gogh
The Siesta - after MIllet     1889-90     Vincent van Gogh

Endormies, ca. 1904, Rupert Bunny
Endormies     ca. 1904      Rupert Bunny

Sleeping Puppy, 1640, Rembrandt
Sleeping Puppy     1640    
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn

   Sleep Tight!

Copyright Hulsey Trusty Designs, L.L.C. (except where noted). All rights reserved.
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The Artist's Road Store
A Primer on Night Painting - Nocturnes

Nocturnes - A Primer on Night Painting

Filled with inspirational examples by the masters of nightime painting, this little book is sure to fire up your creative energies. Never tried painting at night? We show you how it's done with a step-by-step-oil demo and a tale of night painting in the wilds of Rocky Mountain National Park. The Primer on Night Painting - Nocturnes is a 7 x 7" PDF download with 40 pages of text and images. It includes a gallery of paintings by masters of the nocturne, information to inspire and encourage you in your plein air nocturne painting, an illustrated step-by-step demo and tips for working in pastel and oil. Also available in a softcover edition. Check out the tools and other products that we use in our own art and travels in The Artist's Road Store. We only offer things for sale that we enthusiastically believe in.







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Photograph of John Hulsey and Ann Trusty in Glacier National Park
We are artists, authors and teachers with over 40 years of experience in painting the world's beautiful places. We created The Artist's Road in order to share our knowledge and experiences with you, and create a community of like-minded individuals.  You can learn more about us and see our original paintings by clicking on the links below.
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 Hulsey Trusty Studios